Monday, May 30, 2016

Scribble 6: A Little Sad Story.

Welcome, Wanderers, to a starless realm where the eternal black flame rampaged over the land.

Just kidding.

Well, this one was suppose to be a response to a Writing Prompts on reddit titled [A "popular" girl falls in love with a "nerdy" boy, however he hates her and she spends all her time trying to impress him], but ended up out of the topic of the prompt and I decided to post it here.

Mainly because I think there were cool lines in it.

I posted it there anyway though, half of it. This is rated E 10+ for everyone 10 years up in ages.

Anyway, Let the Scribble begin!

Scribble 6: A Little Sad Story

Again, the wind blew through the window, fluttering the curtain.

"Why..." the beauty in front of me sobbed "why, of all people, I have to fall in love with you?"

Something is breaking inside my heart when I saw her crying, but I can't do anything, not if I don't want to see her hurt even more.

Truth to be told, I didn't want to see her cry. But the Fate is just too cruel, it let her fall for me, knowing full well that I won't be able to stay by her side.

"And why!" she looked straight at my eyes accusingly, tears on her face "Why can't you even give me a chance?!"

"I'm sorry."

The truth is, even now, I don't know the reason.

I don't want to see her hurt.

But I can't do anything.

And yet I let her have the hope. Those lunch we shared together, the time I just can't refuse her dragging me everywhere...

Half of this school inhabitants would kill to become me, and yet I....

"I'm sorry, for giving you too much hope. I should have told you the first time we met."

She wiped her face.

"No, I should have known this. From the very beginning. You...."

"It's not your fault...."

"Then whose fault was that? Huh? Whose fault was it that I looked just like her, that my voice just like hers, that every.single.thing. that I did remind you of her?"

She hugged me, I tried my best not to flinch. I patted her head slowly.

"It's my fault for trying to find her in you. It was my fault for not being able to move on from her. So I'm sorry." I took her hand, and turned away.

"May you find your happiness."

"But you are my happiness."

"Then wait for me, until the sky on my heart had a place for another star to shine in it."

That was five years ago.

A girl named Emelyn Reinn-Lasch suddenly confessed to 18 years old me, who still can't forget someone from further past, even now. I never tried to contact her again ever since, even though I watched her progress closely, almost obsessively, even. I know she was still waiting for me even now.

There were times when I hope I never met her, when I hope she never met me, and neither of us have to hurt each other. But then again, Fate was too cruel to just let me be.

Or maybe Fate was trying to tell me, that there was no use in indulging myself in the past, hurting myself over and over again.

And then there were times when I hope she would just give up on waiting, she deserves someone better than me, someone not shackled by his past. She deserves life with someone who loved her as much as she loved him.

It was not her fault that I met someone just like her in the past. Nor was it her fault that the girl I met six years prior to her confession had accepted my confession, only to disappear and never to be heard again.

It was not her fault that Maya Ellenfelt had broke my heart eleven years ago, and yet she had to suffer because of that. No, it was not Maya's fault either. It was all my fault for still clinging to Maya's shadow, not even giving Emelyn a chance. And yet.....

And yet here she was, still as beautiful as the day she disappeared, no, she was even more beautiful now, standing in front of a convenience store as the sudden downpour drowned all other noise, as if playing a symphony to the tune of my sadness.


"Oh, err, sorry, but who were you again?"

"Oh, I'm sorry, I got the wrong person."

"You could at least give reasonable excuse, Raph, you just called my full name earlier." she chuckled "Where was your glasses? I almost can't recognize you without those, you know?"

I was at loss of words. Maya Ellenfelt, the girl, the only girl that talked to me eleven years ago, the girl that had made me unable to forget her even now, had suddenly appeared in front of me, as abrupt as her disappearance.

"I'm sorry for disappearing so suddenly, you know how my father was."

"You could at least told me."

"You know I couldn't...." she turned towards the rain "I, I'm sorry. I should at least told you."

I turned towards the rain, what I heard as a symphony before had turned into a cacophony, a chaos of sound that break my ability to form a concrete thought.

I'm the worst. I had hurt the two people who had selflessly cared about me, who had loved me with their whole heart.

"Sorry, I shouldn't have said that."

"Still the gloomy one, aren't you." we turned toward each other at the same time, eyes locked. "Is that place for me in your heart still exist? Or have you found someone else to fill it?"

"I-" she stepped forward suddenly, cupping my face in her hands. I hold my breath.

"I'm going to disappear again soon, so, please find your own happiness." and yet tears fell down your eyes! How could I be happy when you were in so much pain?

But I didn't say anything.

"Please promise me, that you will give her a chance." I gasped. "You know that I can't be on your side, so," she retracted her hands and wiped her tears.


"Don't make her wait any longer. She deserve you." and still tears flowed out from her eyes. My sight turned a bit blurry, before I realized that I too was crying.

"But she deserve better than me! With her devotion, her willpower, while I would just break her over and over again..."

"Aren't you exactly the same as her? Waiting for me all this years, even rejecting her, your heart had broken too much already, Ralph. It's time for you to find home, happiness."

"But you are my happiness."

"I could sue you for copyright infringement, you know?" another voice came from behind me. As I turned my face, I saw her, holding an umbrella. no, she was holding several umbrellas.

"You should at least wait for the kiss scene, Emelyn." Maya chuckled, her tears had completely wiped dry.

"As if I would let you do that! And here I am, running through the rain because a certain mysterious person texted me, just to find lovebirds flirting under the rain. I shouldn't have bothered." she turned away, but Maya took her umbrella and walked past her.

"Take your time....."

A drop of water drifted from her face, one wouldn't be able to see the difference amidst the rain, but I know.

It was her tears.

I deserve happiness? What a load of crap. She deserved happiness. A happiness I would never able to give to her.

"As if you hadn't hurt enough already...." I muttered under my breath.

"Did you say something?"

"Nothing. Are you going to give me one of those umbrellas or we have to make do with one?"

"As if!"

"Now, now, don't be shy..."


"Ah, don't run! Give me the umbrella first!"

The Scribble will now end.

Was that really a sad story?

Well, it is for you to decide, fellow Wanderers. As there are no absolute answer for the matter of feelings.

See you next post!

Sunday, May 22, 2016

Scribble 5: Teacher, Love, and Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle

Hello [Again], Wanderers, to one corners of the internet that even I didn't remember why I created in the first place.

Well, at least now I would know what kind of google search that would drag you here by accident, sorry guys, if you're here while searching for school assignment, you could go back to the google search page.

Alright, I will cut right into the chase. There was this obsession of mine when I was on my Middle School and High School days, where I spent a lot (and I mean a lot) of time studying theoretical physics, well, as far as high schoolers goes, that is.

And no, the teacher was NOT a pretty woman in her 20s that I wanted to impress, in fact, he was a middle-aged man.

There was this interesting concept in quantum mechanics, dubbed the uncertainty principle, which basically states that if we could precisely measure the position of a certain particle, we would not be able to precisely measure it's momentum, and vice versa. In other word, a measurement of a particle would always a trade off between the precision of the position or the precision of the momentum.

What on earth does that concept have to do with Love?

Is probably what you thought. Well, making a connection with it to Teacher would be easy enough even for normal human being, but remember, it's me who was writing the scribble. When you read a story where a princess fell in love with a dragon instead to the knight, which I actually wrote, you should have already gave up hoping to read an actually coherent story in this blog.

On a side note, this was actually a Reality Fiction. *yay*

And no, this scribble wasn't written with both Teacher and Love because I'm into older woman.... well, maybe a bit.... wait, that's not the point!

I'm getting less and less inspired to write this opening, so before I lost all inspiration for this, Let the Scribble begin!

Scribble 5: Teacher, Love, and Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle

How? How could I ended up like this?! The question kept repeating through my head.

Friday, May 20, 2016

Scribble 4: Sisters x Assassins

It is always about love.

The one that world sought, the one that crushed the world million times over, the one that the world had sacrificed everything for, it was always.....

Oh, what? The Scribble hadn't started yet? My bad, I offer thou my deepest apology.

So, hello Wanderers! Thanks for once again being careless enough to be dragged to this obscure edge of the internet! I can't even begin to imagine what kind of bizarre random google search that drags you here, but I'll thank you either way ^_^

This Scribble is rated PG-16 (by me), so all you kids please go back to whatever that you do before you saw this post before you got traumatized for life.

Anyway, this time I'll be talking about two things, 'Sisters' and 'Assassins'! These two topics weren't naturally connected, and no normal, sane person would think about one if someone mentioned the other, which actually proves how far removed my mind is from mainstream definition of 'normal, sane human being' *sob* T_T

As you might've thought, this story would revolve around the concept of sisters that was also assassins, and may or may not feature a bloodthirsty lucky cat figurines that shoot 9 mm Parabellum bullets from its paw. Yeah, looking at the pattern of my past stories, modern societies' common senses definitely won't apply to this story either. If you were all for Reality Fiction, I must deeply apologize that you won't find that here, at least not now.

Anyway, before someone mistakenly give a call to the asylum and sent me there *shivers*, The Scribble will now begin.

Scribble 4: Sisters x Assassins.

My military grade composite knife was just a mere milimeter from her throat, but so was her extremely thin blade, gleaming menacingly under the blue glow of the moon. Our face was so close that we could almost kiss, our eyes filled with understanding and sadness, that our long awaited reunion after all these years were under this rather, difficult, predicament.

"Well, I guess this is the end for me, huh?"

"Don't say that. You're stronger than this. Why won't you end me?"

"If either of us managed to kill the other without hesitation nor remorse, then the one that got killed was a failure as a sister."

"Indeed. But it's not like we could stay locked like this forever.  Sooner or later, at least one of us will die."

"Then why don't we die together?" I increased the force on my right hand, pressing my knife further, while letting her blade touch my neck. "Dying together with your loved one sounds really romantic, doesn't it?"

"As if. I'm not really into incest, so if you were to die for that ridiculous reason, I won't be on your way."

"Sigh, you still unable to accept my sisterly love, can you?"

"I'm just unable to process emotion in general. Now let's end this before both of us die out of exhaustion." then silence, as the stalemate keep progressing.

"Hey, sister. Do you remember how we first met?" surprisingly, she initiated a conversation, something I hadn't seen often.

"Of course. How could I forget the day I fell in love?"

"I swear on this blade of mine that I will kill you." she said in completely flat tone, but her eyes turned somewhat nostalgic. I smiled

15 years ago.

I'm still a kid when someone who claimed to be my father brought someone who was, and still is, a spitting image of myself, the only difference being her white hair was almost colorless, while my hair still have a trace of gray on it. For the first time, I know what a family means.

The child, whom our father had introduced as my twin sister, was a fast learning girl. What I can do, she can do faster and better. What I can't do, she learned to do in short time, not a single time I could beat her in practically anything except uselessness.

Two years later, war broke on that small country. Both of us were separated by the war torn land, left alone after our father got killed in a stray shot while trying desperately to protect us.

I became a hitman, killing only for the money. I got a new nickname, Red Line, and now I almost even forgot my real name before I met her today. I heard the news that she had became a notable hitman too, she had became the Cold Dagger. She had became a better assassin than I am, without letting the slightest influence evade her preparation.

And then, on our 28th birthday, the [Timeline] had chosen the worst irony as a birthday gift. We are recruited to kill each other.

My knife was just a mere milimeter from her throat, but so was her extremely thin blade, gleaming menacingly under the blue glow of the moon. Our face was so close that we could almost kiss, our eyes filled with understanding and sadness, that our long awaited reunion after all these years were under this rather, difficult, predicament.

"Then to honor your oath, I would swear that no other blade would be allowed to take my life~" I respond to her words in a mocking tone.

"Hey sister, have you ever [Kissed]?"

"Are you trying to distract me? It almost worked, but you need more shocking question to truly shake my consciousness."

"We're about the only sisters in the world that could have a casual conversation while literally pressing our blade on each others' neck."

"And hearing you said that with a perfectly flat tone almost made me think that it might be better to let my head decapitated right here and now. Almost." for the first time in forever, she giggled.

"This would be the end of at least one of us, so I'm not going to hold anything back. I don't want either of us died without even knowing how we feel toward each other." she took a deep breath, "Sister, [Red Line], I love you, I love you! I love you so much that I cried every night just thinking about the possibility that I might not be able to see you again! I love you! I love you!" repeating the same three words over and over again, she dropped her blade, and I retracted my knife. Tears dropped from our eyes, and I embraced her.

Only to find a ridiculously thin blade embedded on my stomach, extending from her left sleeve.

"*sob* .....I love you....."

You said such a thing while stabbing me?! What a strong conviction. I sighed. She had steeled her resolution to kill me today, even purposefully lowering her guard and tricking me, there are limits on how much you could be better than your twin sister, you know?!

"If that knife could kill me, then this would be a really sobby dramas." still embracing her, I said those words, my voice filled with both relief and sarcasm.

A simple blade couldn't kill me, not unless she aimed to my heart or head. As this was our first meeting in 12 years, she was yet to be aware of this fact.

"Don't worry, I love you too," I brushed her hair. "my sister, [Cold Dagger], Felina Aeris." I kissed her lips, and then the world was dyed red.

We were sisters, united and separated by series of coincident on the grand scheme of [Timeline].

That day, I, the [Red Line] Carenina Aeris and my sister, the [Cold Dagger] Felina Aeris, disappeared from the world.

And thus, the legend of [Frozen Blood], the legend that would dye the entire world in the color red, the legend that would spread carnage all over the world, had begun.

The Scribble will now ends.

Alright, I'm a coward that couldn't kill anyone in a story, so please forgive me that this story didn't have the violent ending that some of you [may] have expected.

And in the end, I didn't get to use that lucky cat figurine that could shoot 9 mm bullet. *chuckle*

This scribble was kinda short, wasn't it? The word count was barely over 900, while my first scribble barely have over 800 words, the scribble titled [Falling in love in literal sense] have over 2000 words. Well, this blog don't have enough scribble to have average word count yet, though.

See you next incomprehensible babble!

Thursday, May 19, 2016

Writing Prompts responses: "What if I told you, I created Magic?"

Welcome, Wanderers, to a place where logic were thrown out of the window, err, my room has no window, so it might have been more appropriate to say door. Not that it matters.

As you can see, this is not the standard Scribble format, this one is a story that I wrote as a response on the Writing Prompt sub reddit. Not that you could even access reddit here in Indonesia, unless you used a few unfiltered DNSs.

Writing Prompt is a sub where you could post an idea and let people write a story about it, or read ideas posted by others and write a story about it. This one below is an example of the latter.

Disclaimer: I do not own Merlin, Britania, nor Mephistopheles. I surely don't know if someone once had or have the name Izrdien or if the family name Reinn-Lasch actually exist.

The story begin here ;)

I opened the great gate of Britania Magus Society, and immediately greeted by an old man in pitch black robe and unruly silver hair.

"Merlin!" I hugged the old man, my very first mentor. Oh, how I missed him. I think it must've been more than a decade since the last time I saw him, and yet his magical aura was even stronger than ever.

"My my, Izrdien. You've grown up to become a splendid lady. It's hard to believe that you were this little girl that accidentally turned herself to a weasel in the Hex Incantatum class." he stroked my long hair.

"Ugh, please, I cannot forget that fo years! Anyway, since I'm finally become a member of Britania Magus Society, care to accompany me to a tea?"

"As usual, I can't seems to understand your thought process. But I cannot really refuse that, so let's get going."

Sitting beside the window, I looked at Merlin's tired eye, only to find a burning fire on the place of his normally sapphire eyes. He was not Merlin.

"Revoke Pasithea, Invoke Iris, show me the truth." I muttered incantation for dispelling illusions under my breath, but his appearance stayed the same. Is he actually changed his outward appearance with Hex Incantatum or similar spell?

"That won't work. As you might've guessed, I used Hex Incantatum to actually change my outward appearance."

He could hear my incantation?! I shifted to defensive posture, preparing basic reinforcement spell.

"But now that you've noticed that I'm not that old geezer, I might as well reveal my identity." with a fiery flame, his black robe changed into black tuxedo, his silver hair became long enough to reach his knee.

"Mephistopheles at your service." he grinned maliciously, his arms spread wide.

"So that's why your aura was different.... wait a second, so the one I was hugging when I entered that room is...."

"I must say, your body have exquisite proportion, madam...." without letting the old man finish his sentence, I slapped him with magically reinforced hand, repeatedly.

But he simply teleported away. Not before my fifth slap though.

"That freaking HURT, you know?! Why would you slap me when you're the one who hugged me in the first place?!" he held his red cheek, but it's actually pretty impressive to be still alive after got hit with my Obsidian-class reinforcement magic.

"THAT'S because! Ugh, you know? I'll let it pass. So, why were you impersonating Merlin?"

"I think that form would be the most appropriate to talk with you regarding a secret mission from the Society."

"Yeah, right. As if they would offer a secret mission to a fresh graduate like me."

"Precisely because you are a fresh graduate, miss Izrdien of Reinn-Lasch, that you are suitable for this mission. You have a special affinity towards magical formulae that...."

"You do realize that I held the record of out-of-control spell at the academy, don't you?"

"You have affinity towards formulae, not intensity! You keep losing control of your spell because you lack control in the intensity of mana used, but the especially complicated formulae in the spell you devised to seal the magical beast Ydraig is really beautiful, it had left the realm of human magic."

"W-well, if you say so" I averted my gaze and drew a deep breath before looking at him squarely in the eyes. "Then, tell me what the secret mission is."

"Well, what if I told you, I created magic?"

"Then I'd tell you to get out of the room right away. The grand witch Hecate was the one who introduced the basis of modern magic, with her successor Pasiphae and Circe introduced the field of magical warfare."

He laughed.

"Yes, that sly woman Hecate, she was the first human who discovered my little [Command] subroutine, running in paralel with the automated vanilla kernel, that I've worked so hard to hide from the Higher Up."

"Subroutine? Automated vanilla kernel?" I tilted my head in confusion.

"Oh, don't worry my dear Izrdien. What I'm saying is, Hecate did discover magic, but the true nature of this world have no magic. Only through my influence, through my meddling, that the magic is born." he smirked "Thus, I told you, I created magic, and now I seek thine help to prevent it from becoming, let's say, out of my control."

"But why? If you created magic, shouldn't you have full control for it?"

"That's the problem. The magic, that is a method to change the reality through usage of mana, was not intended for human to use. I created magic for my own convenience, and now that too many people used magic, it's processing capability is nearly overloaded. So, what you have to do is to devise a magic spell for me, with the corresponding formulae, to seal the existence of magic once and for all from humanity."

"But why? And why would I comply with your unreasonable request?"

"In exchange of sealing magic, the current version of magic, that is, I'll give you immortality and exclusive access as a human to the next version of magic. If you refuse, well, let's say I have more than enough human as hostage. Let's see, I'll begin with Merlin, and then your friends in the academy, your entire villages, parents, family....."

"I get it! So, when should I start?"

"ASAP, my lady."

The story will now ends.

Wednesday, May 04, 2016

Scribble 3: Falling in Love in Literal Sense.

Welcome back, lucky wanderers. Or unlucky? That was truly yours to decide.

Alright, enough with the fantasy theme, let's go back to the Romantic-Comedy route. This is less tired of one genre and switching to another, though, it's more like a shower thought after I watched an anime titled 'Servant x Service'. And no, it's not H-rated although it have an x in it's tittle. It's a good one, really, and it got the right dose between Romance and Comedy part. The anime follows the story of a girl named Yamagami Lucy, a civil servant in a city hall, and her interaction with her unique co-workers. I rated it 9 out of 10.

Anyway, I recently looked back to my high school days, which just ended two years ago, by the way, and I thought about several times I got rejected by girls. And yes, I got rejected a lot of time that it wasn't even funny. I wanted to write a topic that's close with me, and I have experienced firsthand, to create a better flowing story, although I was inexperienced in writing stories in general.

And I just realized that I was bad in writing in general. Before my writing spirit dropped even further, The Scribble will now begin.

Scribble 3: Falling in Love in Literal Sense.

"Please be my girlfriend!" I stared intently at her eyes, my clenched hands starting to sweat profusely.