Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Writing Prompt Response: A Dragon's Diary

Yo, Wanderers.

Another one of these, well, I had no excuse. I actually have several ideas in my head, those kind of passing thought when you're lying in your bed thinking why people sent a dog to space instead of cats...

Wait, we have no time for this.

So I decided to write these in a lazy Monday morning, two days ago, actually. I've written a similar thing long time ago, about an unlikely romance involving a dragon, but while this isn't a masterpiece, this is arguably better than my previous one.

Enjoy the ride.

[WP] The diary entries of a Dragon who is in love with the knight trying to slay them. by CerinLevel3

He came again, in his shining full-body armor, no trace of the previous battles remained in his person. Somehow, I've gotten used to the battle, eagerly waiting when he would come with his glistening holy sword, and then drove him back, scorching fire against blinding light, divine sword against pitch black claw.
Thank gods no human ever know what a dragon's smile looks like.
HE BROUGHT A COMPANION! How dare he! That coward, bringing a woman, no, a witch into my presence? And he fervently protected her! Like, he hadn't let my claws touch her even once! Uuuh...
What? No, it's not that I'm... Now that I think about it, why am I so bothered that he bought a woman with him? I mean, he had brought several wizards and archers before, and I have seen him fought harder when he had companions, never allowing me to touch them. They never bothered me this much, not even when he brought an elite team bearing the human empire's insignia.
I don't know. Little fireflies, could you tell me?
Three days in a row, he brought the same damned witch. They worked closer together, and I could swear I saw their eyes flirting in the midst of the battle. They flirted. In front of me.
He even smiled at her. He never smiled when he fought me, especially because he couldn't afford to. But he smiled at her. Did he trusted her so much that he lowered his guard around her? Even while facing me?
She will pay.
He didn't come today. The human city is mourning, one of their greatest mage died ironically when she tried to summon fire for an oil lamp. The brightest mind humanity had to offer, and she died channeling a simple spell.
Of course, it helps that I have an Ifrit in my ranks.
For the first time in my life, I laughed so loud I shook the mountain cavern.
She's gone.
Now he would only see me in his eyes.
He came alone, downcast. He asked me with cold voice if I know what happened in the human city. Well, I had my sources, and I had several demons infiltrating the human rank, one of which I sent to monitor him in human society...
Why did I do that? Reading back, I've been writing about nothing but him for the past weeks. I even sent a demon to spy on him, and I even killed his companion the mage. Am I seriously jealous at a mere human?
Anyway, I told him the truth, because I can't lie at him, right? Why can't I lie to him?
Why. It was an overrated question. How is a more interesting one.
He became enraged, throwing his helmet away, swinging his sword with power I never saw before. Naturally, I swatted him away.
Apparently, I've killed his sister.
He can't hear my apology.
He succeeded. His holy sword sticking through my body, pulverizing my heart. Well, one of them anyway, but my auxiliary hearts can't sustain me for more than two century. In a way, it was his victory, as well as his loss.
When he succeeded in almost killing me, I was utterly successful in killing him, splitting his body into two equal part.
And I cried.
Why is it at the last moment that I realize--
Why is it after I lost him--
Why can't it be earlier--
The reason of my actions, my jealousy, my anger, my expectations--
I told him that I loved him. I don't know if he could hear me.
Death can't come soon enough.

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