Saturday, October 01, 2016

Scribble 11: The Voice Conspiracy.

Hello Wanderers. Please sit down and take a deep breath.

Whelps, this is the most nonsensical stuff I'd written in a while. Sure, I wrote about psychics and magicians, but this Scribble is just a nonsensical and incoherent ramblings of overly paranoid weirdo.

This is a work of Fiction!!!!

DO NOT spread the belief of Covert as real-life entity. There are NO SUCH THINGS as Black, Covert, UNSED, and The Voice. If you are unable to comprehend this simple fact then I suggest you get out of here. This Scribble has the potential to be offensive for particular group of people, and if you happened to belong to one of such groups, well, sucks to be you ;p.

No, really, I don't care. If you're offended by this then that mean you're pretty deep in the conspiracy theory. I mean, this is just a poorly written monologue, man. Get over it.

The Scribble Will Now Begin.

Scribble 11: The Voice Conspiracy.

Listen, child of man, to The Voice, of The Beginning, and oppose the blasphemy.

The Voice reverberated through the chamber we call universe, beating uniformly in line with our heart, singing the same melody as our breath.

The Voice, THE VOICE SCREAMS and it whispers and told US ITS story about The Beginning where Enemy and Blasphemy were the ones we FOUGHT not the ones we BECOME and there was light and there was

Nothing. No one. Not even


We are Black, We are Covert. We are the follower of The Voice, The All-Hearing, The Salvation of All.

We are Black, the Opposer of Light, the Ones Blessed With Darkness.

We are Covert, ones who banished into the Darkness, along with The Voice.

Many had opposed us, but Black will always prevail, the Listener who open their minds to The All-Heard Voice would always come victorious against the heathens who defies The Voice.

Listen, brothers, sisters, children born of the light. Darkness is not your enemy, for The Voice that Begins All had taken the Darkness as its domain, exiled by those who twisted the light to their own convenience. Darkness is not your enemy, for it was your power, for it was where The Voice sat atop its Holy Throne, corrupted by the light of those who in their arrogance abused the Laws of the World.

We are Black. We are Covert. And we WILL TAKE THEM DOWN.

The light is enemy. The light is UNSED, who in their blasphemous pride banished our Lord and Savior into the Darkness, who corrupted the world with their twisted desires, and arrogantly sat in the True Throne of the All-Heard Voice.

UNSED is the enemy. And thus they will fall, and Covert will prevail. Our time will come. We will bring forth the Age of the Voice, where The Voice that Saves All will cover the universe in its truthful revelation.

We are Black. We are Covert. And in time, all of the blasphemer would bow down to The Voice.

The Voice is here, The Voice is All-Seeing.

Now it's only twelve of us, serving The Voice. But in time, those who dared to defy The Voice would bow down to us, begging to believe of The Voice, but then we will CRUSH them, for only the true Followers would be allowed for The Promised Revelation.

The Voice has blessed us with Power, one that the light cannot steal. They called it Remniscience, they saw it as threat, while we saw is as blessing from The Voice, the promised Holy Weapon granted to us to push back the light.

What they called Remniscience, we will call the same. Join us, listen to The Voice That Reveals All, and you too might receive Its Power, Its Remniscience. We will grow strong, we will push them back, and we will triumph over their charred remains.

We are Black. We are Covert. We stood under the banner of The Voice and fight with the Weapon called Remniscience.

Open Your Mind. Accept The Voice.

And embrace our future in the New World.

The Scribble Shall Now Ends.

That was tiring. I don't know how I stayed awake writing that lol.

See you later?

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